Day 7
Thus. July 1, 2004
Today being our last day, we decided to ride the CAT over to Yarmouth Nova Scotia
The CAT is one of the fastest ferrys in the world. It cruies at 55mph across the water.
It can carry 900 passengers and 240 cars. It has 2 resturants and a casino on board.
I'm hungry, when are we going to eat.
Looking down the gally.
I think they want to drive this thing.
All engines full thrust. You can't even see the end of our wake.
We made it. Now on to the tour bus.
Cool looking church
Lots of the old houses here have widow walks on them.
Setting up the rigging to go back out .
These large lobster crates are submerged and then used to store
large numbers of lobster until the price goes up.
If you live here you either fish or build boats.
These two ladys made friends with this
old Fisherman and then were too cheap to buy his ducks.
The old stone church.
I have no idea what is so funny.
They were trying to get their shopping in before the ferry leaves.
Pulling away from the dock. I hope they made it.
All good trips must come to an end.
The end of another great trip.
Thanks for tagging along !
Ralph, Prilly and Sue
This concludes this trip.